Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My friend is a terrible singer, but always sings, how should i tell her to SHUT UP!?

Sing along with her in your worst singing voice and when she asks what you're doing, just tell her you thought she was singing badly on purpose.
My friend is a terrible singer, but always sings, how should i tell her to SHUT UP!?
I had the same thing happen to me in college. One of the times that she was singing, I interrupted her and asked her where the money was that I gave her. She replied, "what money", and I said the money I gave her for singing lessons and laughed a little bit. She got the hint and didn't get offended by it, because we were close friends. She did continue singing every once and a while, but not as much as before, so it was a win-win for both of us.
Reply:Talking to her works.

Or everytime she sings, tell her to shut up or that she's a really bad singer and if you keep repeating that, most likely she will stop.

I mean it'll hurt her feelings, maybe, but if you really don't like her singing there's no other way.
Reply:You should show her how YOU sing and then maybe she would want you to sing more than her.Or if you don't want to do that, you can give her singing lessons, well, if you have a good voice.
Reply:say SHUT UP!? then say just kidding but seriously you aren't the best or the most soothing singer. all you have to say
Reply:Send her to Idol with all the other embarrassments that think they can sing.
Reply:You could record her and then play it back to her.

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