Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to warm up for singing?

I really don't no how to warm up for singing. Any help will be appreciated.
How to warm up for singing?
gargle with salty warm water first. then start singing the usual scale. CDEFGABC, or SAREGAMAPADANI....whichever. this really gives you a good start to sing.
Reply:spoonful of honey
Reply:put your heater on full pelt no lol some vocal warm up exercises vowel sounds scales etc and dont eat dairy produce 2 hours before you sing as it clogs your throat up
Reply:singing up and down scales humming your favourite song anything
Reply:you have to do the scale do re mi all the way to high do and your voice gets higher every step theirs do re mi fa sol la ti do that's all the names to put you on key for the song your going to sing and you could practice your pitch with a piano too. I love singing I hope you have the song in your heart
Reply:sing your favourite at bathroom regularly
Reply:A while ago I found a series of videos on YouTube with a guy doing his vocal warmups and explaining how to improve your voice. They aren't bad so if you have the time to watch them they should help you
Reply:For two hours before you perform, keep beverages lukewarm. No sugar(especially soda). No dairy. Nothing that will "coat" your throat.

For warm-ups. Do everything everyone else has said and then just sing. When I have to perform, I sing all day, especially in the shower. Don't push the sound; just hum and do whatever.
Reply:Sing the scales
Reply:i have to show cant tell
Reply:I gargle with warm water and lemon juice! it really works!
Reply:gargle vinegar.

then sing the alphabet.
Reply:Usually you should start off with some breathing exercises, work on posture and breath in for a couple of measure then do a measured hissing release of the breath. Then, if you're by a piano, pick a comfortable register to start in then do a one octave descending arpeggio followed by an ascending scale and another descending and ascending arpeggio (do-so-mi-do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do-so-mi-... Proceed chromatically (raise it by half a step every time) until you reach the top end of your register. There are some other ones as well, but I can't think of any others right now, sorry.

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