Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sinus surgery messed up my singing, what now?

I posted another question on here to another catagory. With that question, I provided an explaination with much greater detail. I'll try to be more brief.

I am 23. I had surgery at 15: straightening deviated septum, scraped away infected tissue inside sinus, and (worst of all) tissue scraped off the back of my throat so that my soft palate never seals off. As a result, I cannot breathe in through my nose as much as quickly, air wants to escape out my nose when i speak/sing, i have not the ability to sing as loud or as long due to how surgery effected my resonance and air flow. This new nasal resonance is painful at times, but mostly just very uncomfortable. I almost constantly compensate for these changes by over using throat muscles in an effort to "grab" my voice and keep it out of my nose. Are there any options for a surgical reversal out there???!

Any questions, comments, tips would be welcome.
Sinus surgery messed up my singing, what now?
This sounds like a question that should be directed to a specialist. I recommend contacting a voice teacher at a college or university or even your own doctor.

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